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Chronic Stress: Tips on Lifestyle

Tired business woman with documents in her workplace. Chronic stress can define the action slow and steady mechanisms that subject the body to a solicitation, a little or a lot beyond his capacity to deal with it and emerge unscathed. These mechanisms belong to three categories:

These three aspects are closely interconnected. A few examples:

the person under family stress (emotional), you easily will knock on food, adding biochemical stress, and possibly compromise the quality of his rest (physical stress)

the person with a lot of spinal pain, such as neck (physical stress), parties can easily end up in taking chronic pain medications (biochemical stress). Affected parties can easily make the situation worse mood (emotional stress).

It is clear that a strategy of rehabilitation can not fail to take into account all possible aspects of the problem.

The tips listed below can be a first aid to optimize the way of life: for complex cases must of course a strategy developed by a specialist, but by making some lifestyle changes you can already get great improvements.

Dietary advice

Morning: in the morning, in the physiological rhythm of the body, it is time deputy to most carbohydrate intake. So do not skip breakfast, or rather that it is abundant and rich in carbohydrates such as fruit quality. In the morning you have the stomach closed and the idea of ​​eating is not particularly attractive? Continue with reading the article!

Lunch: most people assume excess carbs for lunch. If you are not athletes from the large muscle, the body tolerates only one source of carbohydrates: the rest probably will create a rise in blood glucose, resulting in postprandial sleepiness.

Dinner: If you have no appetite in the morning, it is because you have exceeded with carbohydrates at dinner, or because you slept wrong, or both (often the first causes the second, in a dangerous vicious circle). A non-athlete, with a little more muscle mass than ample, the evening has a very poor, to say nothing, carbohydrate tolerance. Already a slice of bread can create movements physiological insulin evening. Imagine if they were present at the dinner a plate of pasta, or potatoes or legumes, rounding off with fruit or even worse with a dessert. If you are not athletes from the large muscle groups, make sure that your dinner is composed mostly of vegetables without carbohydrates (which are essentially potatoes and legumes) and protein. Kept to a minimum, in some cases better than canceled, the presence of carbohydrates or sugars: sleep will benefit from it, in the morning you will wake up better, have more appetite, you will feel less bloated and metabolism work better.
Tips for physical activity

The physical activity is one of the most important and powerful tools rehabilitation:

Aerobic activities

The extensive aerobic exercise and medium intensity (from 30 to 60 minutes at 70% of maximum heart rate) helps to oxygenate tissues and especially reduces stress hormones, creating a condition of “fatigue healthy.” For this reason, it is ideal run in the late afternoon / evening, to encourage sleep

Activity in gym

In the gym is easy to make mistakes in training, limiting the benefits or even turning it into a stress.
In people under chronic stress, with many metabolic symptoms (see self-assessment test) is totally not recommended to perform intense workouts in the late afternoon-evening. Unlike aerobic activity, training with weights or with machines is an intensive effort that increases the stress hormones. For this is much more appropriate for people with symptoms of chronic stress, work out intensely in the morning or at lunch.
Another typical mistake is to make unproductive workouts: long pauses, exercises in order, insufficient muscular effort …
The objectives of a workout at the gym can be: increased muscle mass, increased strength, increased endurance, improved postural components (elasticity, proprioception). Each of these properties to be adequately stimulated, needs a targeted workout, with serious, breaks and precise order of the exercises. The move away from the correct parameters makes exercise unproductive and sometimes harmful.
For the recovery of a correct functioning of the body under stress, the type of exercise to be performed in the gym is that for the increase in muscle mass. It may seem strange, especially to women who immediately (and erroneously) display muscular women little graceful shapes. We were wrong: increase muscle mass does not mean having the huge arms overnight, but to improve the cellular structure of their muscles, resulting in increased efficiency.
Muscle mass is the first indicator to assess the health status of the person of 90 years with muscle mass is preserved in better health than that of 65 with a significant weakening of the muscles.
The connections between muscle metabolism and health are very narrow, so it is so important that the work in the gym is specifically aimed at ‘muscle hypertrophy (when necessary), and that it is done properly.

Activities postural

Embark on a journey of postural re-education, which teaches proper breathing and increases the flexibility of the muscles, is a valuable aid to decrease problems related stress, as decrease joint pain and posture is less fatigued.

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